Saturday, November 22, 2008

2008 Topps Baseball Set...

Well, I'm ready for the last post to be moved down. It's a painful reminder right now of some things. But, I do want to add that I just got the 2008 Topps Series 1 and 2 Baseball Complete set. It came with a cool Mickey Mantle Game Used jersey card too. I've decided next year instead of buying tons of packs of this stuff to just wait. It's really not worth the money when I can just get it complete months later. Next up is the Highlights stuff.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2008 Allen & Ginter....

Last year I was on fire with this stuff. This year hasn't been so nice to me. However, I did pull this today from a blaster box from Target...

This is the second year in a row that I have pulled a Red Ink Auto. Last year I pulled the Greg Louganis red ink auto and it sold for $275 on Ebay.
This year, however, the red inks aren't selling so well. So...we might just keep this one.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

2008 Topps Baseball...

The packs are in...let the ripping begin!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Topps is at it again...

The guys at Topps are at it again. Here's this years great card chase!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The quest for a '52 Mantle...

Below is a link for an article about a guy trading one common baseball card to make his way to a 1052 Mickey Mantle. Remember the guy who traded his way from a red paperclip to a house? This is similar. Great article and great guy!

Monday, September 24, 2007

2007 Allen & Ginter Trade list as of 9/25/07...

Below is what I have for trade. I will update every night with new cards and also cards that have been traded will be removed. So, keep checking back.

Trade list-

A & G regular mini's-
3, 43, 62, 93, 94, 99, 100,101, 120,128,165,171,180,208,213,224,238,272,285,288,298,309

A & G back Mini's-

Kenya, Colombia, Morocco

Dick Perez-
Complete set of 30

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Everyone's been on the 07 Allen and Ginter kick lately. Living here in central Indiana, there aren't very many card stores. So, when Wal-Mart gets a shipment of A&G you know I have to get every one they have. I bought 6 blaster boxes the other day. I pulled this card out of one and didn't really think too much about it. Well, turns out it's worth a bit of $$$. Tonight I sold it on Ebay for $275!!! This is the most expensive card I've ever owned. Part of me is sad that I'm going to be parting with it. But, since I'm not really collecting this set I'm not to upset. I just wanted to make sure that it was not forgotten by putting it on here. So, CONGRATULATIONS TO ME!!!!